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ACT 5 Transition Program and FIVE Academy

  ACT5 is a transition program that aims to bring postsecondary training to life through training exploration.  This hands-on exploration event has come to ESU5 students this summer of 2024.  This programming is available . . .

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Child Find Notice

Pursuant to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the District has a duty to identify, refer, evaluate and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to disabled students.   For additional . . .

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Diller-Odell Welcomes Mr. Hunter Cerveny as New Sixth Grade Teacher

Due to the movement of Mr. Dylan Hinrichs to full-time PK-6 Principal and Mr. Matt Mezger to full-time 7-12 Principal, Diller-Odell has hired a new 6th grade teacher.   Hello, my name is Hunter Cerveny. I am excited . . .

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School Messenger Notification System

Parents/Guardians: If you are not receiving phone calls about school closings and other announcements, please contact the school office to update your information. In order to receive text messages, you need to . . .

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Adding the Diller-Odell Calendar to your Phone

Stay up-to-date with the events at school by adding the Diller-Odell calendar to the calendar app on your phone! The process varies depending on the type of phone being used, but here are the directions for the most common phones. . . .

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Request for Student Assistance

Does your child have trouble learning, speaking, hearing, seeing, walking or taking part in activities with other children? Or are you concerned about your child's physical condition, learning or development in other areas?   . . .

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District Ward Changes

The Diller-Odell School District Wards were recalculated and have some slight changes from Ward 1 (Former Diller District) and Ward 2 (Former Odell District).  There is a slight variation in the ward boundaries along SW 117 Road in . . .

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Migrant Education Resources

Mrs. Hennerberg attends English Language Learners Networking meetings.  At a recent meeting some employees from the Nebraska Migrant Education Program shared what they do. Migrant children and families tend to have . . .

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Electronic Payments Available with Venmo

Electronic Payments are available to Diller-Odell Public Schools!  Create a Venmo account to easily make lunch payments, pay for fundraisers through school, or anything else for which you would normally send a check.   . . .

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Diller-Odell on Striv.TV

This year you can catch all the sporting events, JH-Varsity, on the new Diller-Odell Striv.TV Channel.  Click on the LiveStream button on the Diller-Odell home page or go to Striv.Tv and search schools for Diller-Odell.  Join . . .

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Bus Routes 2022-2023

If you have questions about bus routes, please contact the office at 402-766-4210 and we will put you in touch with the driver.  All of the buses do converge at the elementary school in the morning and the afternoon.  If you are . . .

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Do You Have Our Mobile App?

Did you know that Diller Odell Public Schools has a mobile app?  The app available in the Google Play Store for Android and in  iTunes for iOS. If you already have our app, you might have noticed that it has . . .

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Social Media

      https://www.instagram.com/dillerodell/              https://www.facebook.com/DillerOdellPublicSchools/ and on our NEW DISTRICT Twitter . . .

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Get Connected with Diller-Odell Public Schools

There are many ways to keep up-to-date with school events and news.    Click  HERE  to Get Connected!

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