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Elementary School


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Preschool Daily Schedule



7:45-8:10: Arrival, Hand-Washing, Name writing 

8:10- 8:40 Breakfast  

8:40-9:00: Gym 

9:05-9:30: Motor Lab 

9:30-9:45 Calendar/Circle Time/Music/Heggerty Phonics

9:45-11:00: Center Time (Discovery Time) /Small Group

11:00-11:10: Story Time/Show and Share 

11:10-11:45: Outside/Gross Motor 

11:45-12:00: Restrooms/Hand-Washing/Lunch Time

12:10-12:45: Lunch 

12:45-1:20: Center Time/Small Group 

1:20- 1:30: Restrooms & Handwashing.  

1:30-2:15: Rest time 

2:15-2:30: Restrooms & Handwashing  

2:30-2:50: Snack Time 

2:50-3:30: Outside/Gross-Motor Time/Dismissal.  

***Guidance Wednesday's at 12:45*** 

*** Library Thursday’s at 2:15-2:45***