8th Grade Career Ready
Thursday, I assigned a "Career Readiness" activity for my 8th graders. First, without telling them why, I had students discuss what they thought were important qualities for students to have at school; not just academically, but socially, etc. We discussed them, and then I gave the students a form to take home and instructed them to interview 2 adults... one who hated/disliked their jobs and one who loved/liked their jobs. Questions were on the form, so they did not have to come up with the questions on their own. They could do in-person interviews, or by phone. Friday, they came to class and they shared their interviews. We discussed how similar the qualities we talked about on Thursday were the same as the ones that those interviewed stated as to a reason why they loved/hated their jobs. I explained to them that those qualities are what we try to instill in students so they develop those good habits to carry with them into their careers.
Ms. Day