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Elementary School


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Nebraska MTSS Summit


Recently, a group of Diller-Odell teachers were fortunate enough to attend the NeMTSS Summit in Kearney.  One of the sessions that was attended was called “Lending a Hand” by Dr. Cheryl Couch from York University.  One of the thoughts she shared really resonated with the attendees.  It was a poem called, “And How Are the Children?”. This is a traditional greeting that comes from a tribe in Africa?  They do not greet each other by saying, “How are you doing today?”, but rather “ And how are the children?”. The Masai tribe believe that keeping an eye on the well-being of their children is the best way to determine the future health and prosperity of their whole society.

The focus of her presentation was on preparing students for work place readiness.   These are skills that will help understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions.

These skills are often considered educational learning tools and an important aspect in our everyday lives for our entire lives. They help students transition into their future careers as well.  Some of these career readiness skills are:  Showing Empathy, Managing Emotions, Recognizing Emotions, Solving Problems, Communicating with others, Controlling Impulses, Calming Strategies, and Impulse Control.   

As educators, our focus is the children and their well-being.  We strive our best to model, nurture, and guide the children as they grow and transition into their future.