Home Link Staff Directory Directory Show All Directories Administration Elementary School Jr/Sr High School
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Allington Dyan School Nurse 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Arnold Terry Science HS Track, Asst. HS B BB 5bf5d49e92442 Becker Rita Counselor NHS, Student Council, Engage 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Behrends Bill Bus Driver 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Bohling Lisa Business FBLA, Yearbook, Class of 2030 Sponsor 5bf5d49e92442 Bures Cathy Cook 5bf5d49e92442 Carpenter Joyce Cook 5bf5d49e94223 Cerveny Hunter 6th Grade Teacher Asst. HS FB 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Coufal Amy Curriculum, Assessment & Technology Speech 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Craig Keith Janitorial 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Day Deena Math 5bf5d49e92442 Denner John Title I Teacher Asst. HS G BB 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Dresen Reba Fifth Grade HS VB, Elementary Quiz Bowl 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Duis Ronda Head Cook 5bf5d49e94223 Easley Garrett Music/Band, Class of 2028 Sponsor 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Ebeling Carson Fourth Grade, Asst. Softball 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Ebeling Dawn Elementary Administrative Assistant 5bf5d49e94223 Garcia Devin Science Asst. HS FB, JH B BB, STEM Club, Class of 2025 Sponsor 5bf5d49e92442 Goeking Michelle Special Education 504 Coordinator 5bf5d49e92442 Heble Heather Third Grade 5bf5d49e94223 Heble Patty Kindergarten 5bf5d49e94223 Hennerberg Stacy Reading and Math Coach 5bf5d49e94223 Hinrichs Dylan PreK-6 Principal HS B BB 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 5bf5d49eb6c73 Hinrichs Josie Para Educator, Asst. HS VB, JH VB 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Hroch Renee HS Administrative Assistant 5bf5d49e92442 Humphreys Andrea Book Keeper 5bf5d49e92442 Hynek Janel Second Grade 5bf5d49e94223 Jantz Dave Asst. HS Track 5bf5d49e92442 Klaus Robin Art Art Club, Class of 2029 Sponsor 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Kostal Abby Preschool 5bf5d49e94223 Kostal Hannah Para Educator 5bf5d49e94223 Kostal Joyce Janitorial 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Kostal Pamela English Play Production, JH Track 5bf5d49e92442 Larsen Justin Language Arts/Spanish HS and JH Quiz Bowl, STEM Club, Class of 2026 Sponsor, STRIV 5bf5d49e92442 Lawton Susan Para Educator 5bf5d49e94223 Leseberg Phyllis Cook 5bf5d49e92442 McMurray Eric Math Activities Director 5bf5d49e92442 Meyerle Charli Assistant to the Superintendent 5bf5d49eb6c73 Meyerle Mike Superintendent Transporation Director 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 5bf5d49eb6c73 Mezger Matt 7-12 Principal Cheerleading 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49eb6c73 Mohr John Social Studies JH FB, HS G BB, JH G BB, Engage 5bf5d49e92442 Morgan Christie Para Educator 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Novotny Shannon Para Educator 5bf5d49e92442 Nun Tanner Industrial Arts/Ag, FFA Sponsor, STEM Club 5bf5d49e92442 Oberembt Corinna Social Studies JH VB, JH Track 5bf5d49e92442 Owens Mitch Technology Staff 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Rempel George Bus Driver 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Romanek Lisa Janitorial 5bf5d49e94223 Ruhge Kaitlyn Para Educator 5bf5d49e94223 Schluter Chris Physical Education/Health, HS FB, Asst. HS Track 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Stohs Cindy Para Educator 5bf5d49e94223 Sutton Kristie Bus Driver 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Theye Jordie Media Specialist Asst. Speech, Class of 2027 Sponsor, Reading Classic Sponsor 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Vitosh Brian Bus Driver JH FB 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 Vitosh Carly First Grade 5bf5d49e94223 Wendland Jennifer Janitorial 5bf5d49e94223 Weyer Michelle Special Education 5bf5d49e94223 Wolken Marlene Bus Driver 5bf5d49e92442 5bf5d49e94223 dillerodell.socs.net