February Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Board of Education Regular Meeting
Monday, February 12, 2024 7:00 PM
High School Media Center in Odell
506 Perry Street
Odell, NE 68415
Angie Clifford: |
Present |
Dusty Duis: |
Present |
Adam Engelman: |
Present |
Paul Kostal: |
Present |
Kolin Kotas: |
Present |
Kasey Murphy: |
Present |
1. Open Meeting
1.1. Roll Call
1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information
1.3. Approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve minutes of last meeting Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kolin Kotas.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.
2. Instruction and Related Items
2.1. Student Report
There was no student report.
2.2. Principal Report
Principal Mezger was not at the meeting, but provided a written report to the Board. Principal Mezger will be purchasing new athletic records boards that will be mounted in the link to the new gym this summer.
The Board had questions about summer weight training that Superintendent Meyerle noted he would defer to Principal Mezger and the head coaches. The Board does prefer the High School teams lift together at the high school site, while utilizing the fitness center in Diller for JH students which the proximity works for.
They also had some questions about extra duty assignments.
2.3. Approve 2024-2025 School Calendar
Motion to approve 2024-2025 School Calendar Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Teacher Inservice will be August 12-14, and the first day of school will be Thursday, August 15, 2024.
2.4. Approve new bus purchase
Motion to approve bus purchase Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Angie Clifford.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Superintendent Meyerle reported that he planned to purchase a 2024 Diesel International bus and trade the 2015 bus. The 2024 will become a sub bus/activity bus and the 2020 bus will become a route bus.
3. Personnel Items
3.1. Approve teaching contract for Hunter Cerveny
Motion to approve teaching contract for Hunter Cerveny Passed with a motion by Kolin Kotas and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The Board welcomes Mr. Cerveny to Diller-Odell Public Schools. Mr. Cerveny will be teaching 6th grade and be an Assistant Football Coach.
3.2. Approve Classified Staff Salaries for 2024-2025
Motion to approve classified wages for 2024-2025 Passed with a motion by Dusty Duis and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Superintendent Meyerle made his recommendations. All classified staff will receive at least a 3% raise. There was no discussion.
4. Support Service
4.1. Technology Update
4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle is planning on updating the trophy cases at the high school near the old gym and adding some new ones in the halls as you walk toward the new gym.
5. Superintendent Items
5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle reported on the financial status of the school district, and feels the district is in a secure position. Unless there are unexpected changes in school finance law, he plans on being able to lower the district's tax request again in the fall.
6. Financial Items
6.1. Pay bills as presented
Motion to approve bills as presented. Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Angie Clifford.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.
6.2. Approve the use of Wilken's Architects for plans for renovation of elementary entrance
Motion to approve the use of Wilken's Architects Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Kolin Kotas.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Wilken's Architects will provide a plan to update the entrance of the elementary school. The update is necessary for safety and security reasons. The Board is planning on those renovations in the summer of 2025.
7. Board of Education Items
7.1. Approve NASB membership
Motion to approve NASB dues Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The Board appreciates the relationship with the Nebraska Association of School Boards and the services they provide.
7.2. Committee Reports
7.3. Executive Session
8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kolin Kotas.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
President Kostal adjourned the meeting at 7:40pm. The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2024 at 7pm at the High School.