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November Regular Board Meeting Minutes

Board of Education Regular Meeting

Monday, November 13, 2023 7:00 PM

High School Media Center in Odell
506 Perry Street
Odell, NE 68415


Angie Clifford:  


Dusty Duis:  


Adam Engelman:  


Paul Kostal:  


Kolin Kotas:  


Kasey Murphy:  



1. Open Meeting

1.1. Roll Call

1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information

1.3. Approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve minutes of last meeting Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kolin Kotas.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.


2. Instruction and Related Items

2.1. Student Report
Ashley Duis presented a Student Report on recent activities that included a wrap up of Fall sports, FFA activities, a trip to the National FFA Convention.  One Act play and basketball are underway.

Mrs. Robin Klaus, the district Art teacher, presented a proposal on taking several students on an art field trip to Chicago April 17-19.  The Art Club has funds to help finance the trip, with the students picking up any other cost.  The Board was receptive and will formally approve the trip at the December meeting.

2.2. Principal Report
Principal Mezger gave an update on safety and security, which included the annual Safety Audit, and enrollment numbers.

2.3. Discuss and take possible action on declaring to play 6 man football in 2024 and 2025.
Motion to play 6 man football in 2024 and 2025 Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Dusty Duis: Nay, Angie Clifford: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 1
The Board had conversations with patrons the past month to help determine their decision.  Superintendent Meyerle noted that things have changed in his time at the school.  Meaning schools such as Thayer Central (Hebron), JCC (Tecumseh), Palmyra, and Southern all used to be 11 man schools, and now play 8 man football. Change has taken place state-wide where teams have moved down in classes.

Superintendent Meyerle noted that the change from 8 man to 6 man had been very positive for former rivals Pawnee City and Sterling.  There seem to be fewer 8 man schools in southeast Nebraska which was a topic of discussion on who may be on the schedule.  Superintendent Meyerle reminded the Board the NSAA creates the football districts and the season schedules.

3. Personnel Items


4. Support Service

4.1. Technology Update

4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle reported that some floor work would be done in Diller in an elementary restroom and the Art room over winter break.


5. Superintendent Items

5.1. Superintendent Report
Superintendent Meyerle reported that he was considering some staff reassignments for 2024-2025.

He also noted Diller-Odell, Freeman, and Southern Public Schools will be sharing a resource (Law enforcement) officer in the coming months.  Serving the three school districts is the job of the officer.  They will not be pulled away for other duties in the County.  Their schedule is to be determined.  The program is funded by Gage County for the first year.  This officer will be serving not only our high school site, but will also be in the elementary in Diller, even though it is located in Jefferson County.  After the first year, we would determine if we wanted to continue being part of the program, and how much service we wanted.  If the County does not continue to fund the program, some of the cost would be our responsibility.  The goal of this program is to build positive relationships with students and be a contact when such service is necessary with negative behavior or attendance.

A special thanks to Gage County for beginning this important service to assist in school security and safety.

He also requested that the Board review the school's grade scales for grades 7-12.  Compared to most ESU 5 schools, Diller-Odell's scale is much more difficult to achieve a 4.0 GPA.  The school does not want to put the district's students at a disadvantage when it comes to scholarships etc.  The Board will further discuss the matter at the December meeting and may take action to change the district's grade scale.

As an example, at some schools a 90-93% is an A.  At Diller-Odell a 94-95% is an A-.  Once a student has a A-, they cannot achieve a 4.0GPA.  One simple consideration is to make any grade 94-100% as a grade of an A.

5.2. Distribute Annual Financial Report
The AFR was not available yet.

5.3. Discuss Annual Safety Audit


6. Financial Items

6.1. Pay bills as presented
Motion to approve bills as presented. Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Angie Clifford.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.


7. Board of Education Items

7.1. Committee Reports
Five Board members are set to attend the annual NASB conference in Omaha.

7.2. Approve Junior High football coop renewal with Southern Public Schools
Motion to renew JH football coop with Southern Public Schools. Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The Board recognizes how the coop is a positive for the development of players and having well structured practices with competition for positions.  The coop has been very positive and the Board's hope is that it continues.

7.3. Approve renewal of HS softball coop with Southern HS
Motion to renew high school softball cooperative with Southern Public Schools. Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Kolin Kotas.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.

7.4. Approve Negotiated Agreement with DOEA for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026
Motion to approve the Negotiated agreement with the DOEA for 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Angie Clifford.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Superintendent Meyerle thanked the Board and teachers for their committee work, and appreciates how smooth the negotiation process is at the school.

7.5. Annual Superintendent Evaluation
The Board conducted Superintendent Meyerle's annual evaluation.

7.6. Executive Session


8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kolin Kotas: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
President Kostal adjourned the meeting at 8:13pm.  The next regular meeting is scheduled for December 11 at 7:00pm at the elementary school in Diller.




November Regular Board Meeting Minutes

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