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May Regular Board Minutes

Board of Education Regular Meeting

Monday, May 13, 2024 7:00 PM

High School Media Center in Odell
506 Perry Street
Odell, NE 68415


Angie Clifford:  


Dusty Duis:  


Adam Engelman:  


Paul Kostal:  


Kasey Murphy:  



Stuart Vitosh:  



1. Open Meeting

1.1. Roll Call
Stuart Vitosh was recorded as in attendance after his being appointed to the Board.

1.2. Recognize the Open Meetings Act information

1.3. Public Comment
No public comment was received.

1.4. Approve minutes of last meeting
Motion to approve minutes of last meeting Passed with a motion by Adam Engelman and a second by Dusty Duis.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.

1.5. Declare a vacancy on the Board of Education due to the death of an incumbent; discuss, consider and take all necessary action to appoint a replacement member of the board to fill the unexpired term of the vacant position.
Motion to appoint Stuart Vitosh to the vacant Board seat. Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Kasey Murphy.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea
Yea: 5, Nay: 0
The Board welcomed Stuart Vitosh to the Board and thanked him for his willingness to accept the appointment.

2. Instruction and Related Items

2.1. Student Report
No student report was available.  Next year the Board would like a Student Counsel rep at each regular meeting from September through May.

2.2. Principal Report
Principal Mezger reported on the 2024-2025 class schedule, assessments, awards ceremonies, graduation and plans for the fall of 2024.

2.3. Review Policy #5052 School Wellness Policy
Policy #5052 was reviewed.

2.4. Approve purchase of micro bus
Motion Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
Superintendent Meyerle has a 14 passenger micro van on order.  It will arrive by September or October.  This purchase was needed due to the NDE regulation of not allowing student use in 12 passenger vans.  Superintendent Meyerle traded the two 12 passenger vans.  Schools cannot legally remove seats in large vans to limit the capacity to solve the issue.  The issue is the size of vans.  Superintendent Meyerle had traded for a Pacifica that meets the needed seating specifications.

There are a number of staff that will attend the needed Level I training to be able to drive the 14 passenger micro bus.  No CDL is requiredto drive a micro bus.  This will be very helpful with activities.

2.5. Approve use of Wilken's Architects for design of possible elementary entrance remodel for safety and security.
Motion Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
The approval of Wilken's Architects is to design the remodel of the elementary entry and office area for improved safety and security.  This renovation has been suggested through the annual safety audit.  Once Wilkens creates the design, the plans will be put out for bids.

Superintendent Meyerle reported that the school had been awarded $75,000 from the state of Nebraska to be used for the upgrade.  Superintendent Meyerle said the school was fortunate as it was a competitive grant and many schools received $2000.

Some Board Members and administration will meet with the Wilken's staff in June on the remodel plan.  The remodel, if approved, would take place in the summer of 2025.  The grant money awarded must be used for this specific remodel, and not another project.

3. Personnel Items
Superintendent Meyerle reported that John Denner will resign as a full time bus driver at the end of the school year.  He remains as a teacher and is willing to sub drive some routes.  Kristie Sutton will resign as a para at the end of the school year.  She will become a full-time driver of a micro bus route next fall.

4. Support Service

4.1. Technology Update
Principal Mezger provided a written report.

4.2. Facility Update
Superintendent Meyerle noted that work was scheduled on the track for resurfacing this summer as well as some renovation to the shop floor with flake flooring.

4.3. Accept Milk bid from Hiland Dairy as part of the Southeastern Milk Cooperative
Motion to accept Hiland bid. Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.

5. Superintendent Items

5.1. Superintendent Report
The Board discussed a school operated day care.  After speaking to our legal counsel and schools that have such programs, there would be a great deal of concern about having a school-run day care program.

The Administration discussed legislative changes that would allow for some 5-year-old attendance in preschool.  The school is waiting for policy options from KSB School Law on the issue.  Superintendent Meyerle noted that if the program was full of 4-year-olds, there would never be space for 5-year-olds.  However, we await the policy options that could allow a certain age of 5-years-olds in the program if there are spots available.  We hope to have the policy options in June.

Superintendent Meyerle noted that some school budget items are up in the air due to the possible Special Legislative session that may be called.

6. Financial Items

6.1. Pay bills as presented
Motion to approve bills as presented. Passed with a motion by Kasey Murphy and a second by Adam Engelman.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
There was no discussion.

7. Board of Education Items

7.1. Committee Reports

7.2. Executive Session

8. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn Passed with a motion by Angie Clifford and a second by Stuart Vitosh.
Angie Clifford: Yea, Dusty Duis: Yea, Adam Engelman: Yea, Paul Kostal: Yea, Kasey Murphy: Yea, Stuart Vitosh: Yea
Yea: 6, Nay: 0
President Kostal adjourned the meeting at 8:02pm.  The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 at 7:30 pm at the elementary school.





Allington, Dyan M


AS Central Services


B & W Electric Inc


Beatrice Ready Mix


Collection Associates


Diller Electric


Diller Telephone Co.


Diode Technologies


Eakes Office Solutions


Esu No. 5


Fairbury Journal-news


Farmers Cooperative Elev


Flood Communications of Beatrice, LLC


Gage County 4-H Council


Hillyard Des Moines


Hometown Leasing


Impressed Petty Cash


Jessica Shaughnessy


Jody Franzen


Klaus, Robin R


KSB School Law, PC LLO


Lakeview Books


M & D Auto Service


Meyerle, Michael J


Mezger, Matthew


Mitchell Rengstorf


Mohr, John F




Nacole Hicks


NE Safety Center


Norris Public Power


Nun, Tanner S


Odell Market


Ram Exterminators LLC


Rupprecht Fix N Fill




Spencer D Sutton


Staples Advantage


Summit Fire Protection


Theye, Jordie N


Unite Private Networks, LLC




Village Of Diller


Village Of Odell


Walmart Stores Inc


Westlake ACE Hardware


Wood River Energy




Blue Cross Blue Shield Of Ne


ESSDACK Consortium


National Insurance Services


Nebraska Dept Of Revenue


Nebraska School Retirement


Odell School Activity Fund


State Bank Of Odell






Direct Deposit


May Net Salaries


