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Jr/Sr High School


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Fill the Van, Dress the Man

The Diller-Odell Student Council is collecting items for the Blue Valley Community Food Pantry and the Wymore Food Pantry.  They are trying to raise 1000 items total between both the High School and Elementary.  They want both the high school and elementary school to bring in 500 food items, 300 of which are the hot items.  The hot items include syrup, cereal, sugar, flour, baking soda, baking powder, and fruit juice.   They will be collecting items to fill the van all next week. Food collection will end at the basketball game against Freeman on Friday, January 30th

They are asking each elementary classroom to collect 40 items. The Junior and High School goals are….7th grade=34 items, 8th=54 items, 9th=42 items, 10th=64 items, 11th=22, 12th=34, Faculty/Staff=100 items. A prize will be give to the class at both the elementary and high school that exceeds their goal by the biggest percent.

High School students can bring their items to their class sponsor and elementary students to their teacher. 

Anyone outside the school who wants to contribute can drop their items off at the office at either school building.  If the van successfully gets filled, The Man, Mr. Prososki, will dress up in an outfit that the high school picks.  He will wear it to the home basketball game against Freeman.  If you have any questions please contact Dawn, Renee, or Mrs. Becker. 

They are also collecting winter clothes items, new or gently used.